Adolf Senin

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Adolf Senin (actually Abraham Sobolevicius , later Jack Soble ; born March 15, 1903 in Vilkaviškis , Russian Empire, † around 1967) was a Soviet spy and agent provocateur in the ranks of the early Trotskyist movement.


Senin was born in Lithuania in 1903 into a family of industrialists and fur traders. He came to Germany in 1921 and joined the KPD as a student in 1922 . Senin became a correspondent for the communist Saxon workers' newspaper . Together with his brother Roman Well (actually Ruvelis Leiba Sobolevicius) and Erwin Ackerknecht , he founded one of the first Trotskyist groups in Germany in 1928. In the summer of 1931 the two brothers were able to meet Trotsky in France. At that time they were already working as NKVD agents. In January 1933 they provoked a crisis in the Left Opposition by publishing a fake issue of the Permanent Revolution . After their expulsion, Well and Senin returned to the KPD.

The brothers fled from the Nazis to the Soviet Union. The Soviet secret service sent them to the USA in 1947 . Roman Well (now Robert Soblen) worked as a psychiatrist and, together with his brother Adolf Senin (now Jack Soble), created a group of agents that spied for the Soviet Union and also reported again on Trotskyists to Moscow. In 1957 the FBI rolled up the group, all members were arrested, Well sentenced to life imprisonment. He fled abroad and committed suicide in September 1962 when he was about to be extradited. Jack Soble alias Adolf Senin made extensive statements and was released.


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