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Adsalluta is a Noric , possibly Illyrian goddess of Celtic mythology . She is a river goddess and goddess of rapids.

Adsalluta is mentioned in votive inscriptions mainly from the village of Sava near the Save river . In several of these inscriptions she is mentioned together with Savus, the river god of the river called Savus in antiquity. It has been suggested that she is the personification of the Savinja , a tributary of the Sava.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Prümm : Religious history manual for the area of ​​the early Christian environment. Hellenistic-Roman intellectual currents and cults with consideration of the individual life of the provinces. Herder, Freiburg 1943 (reprint Päpstliches Bibelinstitut, Rome 1954), p. 777 footnote 6 also sees her as the goddess of the rapids.
  2. CIL 3, 5134 , CIL 3, 5135 , CIL 3, 5138 ; CIL 3, 11684 ; CIL 3, 11685 .