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Aerophilately is a branch of motif philately , which deals with the collection of receipts that have been sent by airmail . A roughly synonymous term is the airmail customer . This also includes all other documents related to airmail transport - i.e. written messages, cards, envelopes, package covers, letters accompanying freight shipments, freight documents and flight tickets or tickets - as well as the airmail stamps required for this .

Shortly after the invention of the airplane at the beginning of the 20th century, mail was sent. Among other things, philatelists are interested in these receipts and airmail stamps from the early years; however, there are also numerous more recent areas of aerophilately, such as astrophilately .

The collection of classic aerophilately includes:

  • Airmail stamps (both official and unofficial)
  • Airmail vignettes and the like
  • Airmail receipts (letters)
  • Receipts from special flights (e.g. first flights)
  • Evidence of failed flights (crashes)

The most important sub-areas of aerophilately include:

There are numerous postage stamp associations around the world that deal with aerophilately.


Individual evidence

  1. Aerophilately. In: Wolfram Grallert: Lexicon of Philately. 2nd Edition. Phil * Creativ GmbH, Schwalmtal 2007, ISBN 978-3-932198-38-0 , page 15

Web links

Wiktionary: Aerophilatelie  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Federation Internationale des Societes Aerophilateliques (umbrella organization of Aerophilatelie)