African renaissance

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The African renaissance has been promoted by the President of South Africa , Thabo Mbeki , since the late 1990s . The French word renaissance means rebirth. In relation to its origin, the term means a "cultural rebirth". Transferred to Africa, the times of slavery and colonialism can no longer be used as an excuse for everything and everyone.

  • Africa has a prosperous future - he said, if it takes its responsibility and finally takes its fate into its own hands. Slavery and colonialism could no longer be used as an excuse for anything and everything. Corruption, war and economic hardship should no longer be solved from outside, but fought from within . (Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa)
  • The African renaissance must result from the material, spiritual and cultural development of our people. That is their job. It has to awaken passion and love for our continent in our people. The spirit of constant innovation, creativity, the constant search for new ideas, the constant desire to change things for the better. (Malusi Gigaba, President of the ANC Youth League)

This has resulted in various plans in recent years, above all the so-called NEPAD (New Partnership for Africa's Development) plan . With Nepad, the heads of state have committed themselves to democratic and transparent governance, the fight against corruption and increased intra-continental cooperation, and in return hope to be able to persuade the industrialized nations to take on a new commitment in Africa. Democracy, the protection of human rights and a solid and predictable economic policy are cited as basic prerequisites for peace, growth and development.

The former Secretary General of the United Nations , Kofi Annan, describes the path to get there under the heading “Changed industrial policy and diversification are key elements for the economic development of Africa” and calls for the implementation of NEPAD.