Agenda building

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The term agenda building was created by media scholars Lang and Lang in connection with the Watergate affair . By that you mean the process of active influence of political and media actors on the media agenda . This process serves to influence the presence of political topics in the mass media. Where there is agenda building, political issues reach the political public as the product of a coordination of interests between politics and the mass media.

See also

(Further reading

  • Gladis E. Lang , Kurt Lang : Watergate: An Exploration of the Agenda-Building Process , in: Cleveland Wilhoit , Harold de Bock (Ed.): Mass Communication Review Yearbook. Vol. 2 , Beverly Hills: Sage, 1981
  • Ullrich Sarcinelli (ed.): Political communication and democracy in the media society. Contributions to the culture of political communication , Bonn: Federal Agency for Civic Education, 1998
  • Winfried Schulz : Political Communication, Theoretical Approaches and Results of Empirical Research on the Role of the Mass Media in Politics , Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1997