AgentSheets & AgentCubes

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AgentCubes for creating 3D games and simulations.

AgentSheets is an object-oriented graphical language for programming simulations and video games , which has established itself as a learning programming language for students from the middle grades due to its very easy learnability . The language influenced by Lisp , Logo and Smalltalk was developed by Alexander Repenning and the first version was published in 1991. In addition to the English version, several other language versions are now also available.


AgentCubes is a 3D programming environment. Thanks to the integrated "Inflatable Ions" tool, users can create any desired 3D objects themselves by first drawing 2D images and then converting them into 3D objects by inflating them.

AgentCubes online

AgentCubes online is the HTML5 / WebGL based online version of AgentCubes, which is the first programming environment to allow users to build and program 3D worlds in a web browser.

Use in education

AgentSheets, AgentCubes and AgentCubes online are used as tools of the Scalable Game Design project. Scalable Game Design is the largest US computer science education study with over 10,000 middle school students from all over the US. It is investigated whether students can learn so-called “computational thinking” concepts by creating games and then later using these concepts to build simulations.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. AgentSheets Official Website
  2. AgentCubes Official Website
  3. Scalable Game Design Official Website

Web links