Employment and Integration Agency

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The Agency for Employment and Integration e. V. (ABI) is an association that wants to promote the integration of foreigners coming to Bremerhaven . Since 2015, the association has been the focus of investigations into allegations of large-scale social fraud by the managing director Selim Öztürk.


The association offers various help for people with a migration background. This also includes paid social counseling .

Systematic social fraud

The management of the association is accused of systematically engaging in social fraud.

According to the Bremen public prosecutor's office in Bulgaria, chairman Selim Öztürk is said to have recruited people from a Turkish-speaking minority specifically to move to Bremerhaven. As managing director of the ABI and the association “Society for Family and Gender Mainstreaming”, Öztürk is said to have provided immigrants from the European Union (EU) with bogus employment contracts and thus helped them with social fraud.

Such a low wage is said to have been set in the employment contracts that the immigrants were entitled to supplementary benefits from the job center . Selim Öztürk is said to have collected a portion of this money from the immigrants as a “commission”. According to Radio Bremen, each case is said to have been between 100 and 250 euros per month. Investigations against his son Patrick Öztürk in this matter have now been discontinued.


By August 2016, over 200 witnesses had been heard and over 500 preliminary investigations had been initiated.

Individual evidence

  1. Social fraud in the millions is becoming a political issue. April 11, 2016. Retrieved August 18, 2016 .
  2. ^ Proceedings against Patrick Öztürk closed. In: www.weser-kurier.de. Retrieved August 4, 2020 .