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Agetas ( Greek  Ἀγήτας ) was a late 3rd and early 2nd century BC. Living strategist of the Aitolian League .


Agetas was the son of Lochagos from Kallipolis . In the so-called Alliance War he fell in 217 BC. BC as strategist of the Aetolian League in Akarnania , which he plundered through. He also lived in Epirus , after which he returned home.

Soon afterwards, Agetas fell for a ruse by King Philip V as the Macedonian commander-in-chief in Phocis . On the instructions of Alexandros, Jason, the commander of the Phocian city of Phanoteus , made the offer to Agetas that he would play the city's castle into his hands. On the agreed day, Agetas appeared at night with a troop of Aitoler and had 100 of his men advance towards the castle, while he himself lingered hidden away with the rest of them. According to the contract, Jason let the Aitolians into the castle, where they were captured by the troops of Alexandros, who were already waiting there. At dawn, Agetas recognized the deception and withdrew with the soldiers who had stayed with him.

Agetas served a second time in 201/200 BC. As a strategist. 190 BC Those houses that were in his possession in Delphi were expropriated.



  1. ^ Wilhelm Dittenberger : Sylloge inscriptionum Graecarum , 3rd edition 1915-24, 532.
  2. Polybios , Histories 5, 91, 1 and 5, 96, 1 ​​f.
  3. Polybius, Histories 5, 96, 4-8.
  4. Hans Volkmann: Agetas. In: The Little Pauly (KlP). Volume 1, Stuttgart 1964, Col. 129.
  5. ^ Wilhelm Dittenberger: Sylloge inscriptionum Graecarum , 3rd edition 1915-24, 610, 78 f.