Agora - Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue and Religion

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Agora - Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue and Religion
legal form legally competent church foundation under civil law, public independent religious foundation under canon law
founding 2001
Seat Aachen
main emphasis financial support for the work of the Missio e. V.
Chair CEO Gernot Valk

AGORA - Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue and Religion is an independent church foundation . It was established in 2001 to carry out the work of the Missio e. V. (MWI) financially. In addition, the foundation can independently support projects. The foundation, based in Aachen, is a community foundation based on endowments and donations .


The purpose of the foundation is realized by funding MWI projects. With the income from the foundation capital and donations, scientific work of the Catholic Church in Africa , Asia and Oceania is supported in accordance with the statutory purposes of the MWI . The foundation bodies are the board of trustees and the board of directors . Both work on a voluntary basis . Gernot Valk has been chairman of the board since the foundation began.

Funding priorities

The organization supports scientific projects of the Catholic Church in Africa, Asia and Oceania in the fields of intercultural dialogue and religion , this applies in particular to the promotion of young talent. These primarily include:

  • Research projects by African, Asian and Pacific Catholic theologians and philosophers
  • Printing grants for scientific works on the above-mentioned topic that are published in Africa, Asia or Oceania.
  • Relevant conferences and participation in such conferences (beneficiaries can only be Africans, Asians and Oceanians)

Web links


  1. Board of Trustees and Board of Directors on the website of the Missionswissenschaftliches Institut Mission e. V.