Ahmad Mahrad

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Ahmad Mahrad (born July 3, 1938 in Bandar Anzali , Iran; † December 7, 2011 ) was an Iranian political scientist and university professor.

His studies (1961–1969) in political science, economics, sociology and law at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt / M. and he graduated from the Free University of Berlin with a diploma in political science and sociology.

His wife Christa (* 1943 in Berlin-Pankow) studied German and Slavic studies for teaching in East Berlin and was allowed to travel to the German Empire of Iran for her wedding in 1966. However, they turned back in Vienna and married in West Berlin, where Asad was born that same year. Since Christa's GDR studies were not recognized, she studied again, this time political science. In 1971 the family moved to Hanover.

In 1974 Ahmad Mahrad was awarded a Dr. rer. pole. doctorate and in 1978 his habilitation followed at the University of Hanover, where he was initially a private lecturer and from 1983 an adjunct professor at the Institute for Political Science. He was also a board member of the Hanoverian Study and Research Society for the Near and Middle East (also: Orient Science Center, Oriental Studies Center) in Spannhagengarten. He has published numerous articles on Iran, German-Iranian relations and the Persian Gulf. ( Bahman Nirumand , Djawad Adineh and Pari Rafi also reported on the Iranian exile .)


  • with Heinz Gensrich: Multiculturalism - Abuse of a Good Idea; 1995/96
  • with Christa Mahrad: Immigration, indigenous people or multiculturalism?


Individual evidence

  1. https://www.hdg.de/lemo/zeitzeugen/christa-mahrad-zollkontakte.html