Air India Limited

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Air India Limited , National Aviation Company of India Limited (NACIL) until autumn 2010 , is the flag carrier of India as a holding of Air India and Indian Airlines and is based in Mumbai .

The airline emerged on August 27, 2007 from the merger of the two state-owned Indian airlines Air India and Indian Airlines . The state-owned company only operates under the Air India brand name because of the well-known name. Indian Airlines has been completely integrated and no longer has its own brand identity. Only national and international Asian destinations are served under the name Air India Express , the low-cost airline of Air India Limited.

Air India Limited flies to national and international destinations, which are differentiated according to the IATA airline codes AI and IC of the formerly independent airlines. The AI-Code flights cover a worldwide network of passenger and cargo routes, which mainly consist of long-haul flights to the USA, Canada, Europe, the Middle and Far East and Southeast Asia. In contrast to this, IC code flights are passenger and cargo flights that operate on national and regional international routes such as to the Gulf, the Middle East, South Asia and Southeast Asia. Air India Express' national and international services to Asia have IX codes.

In October 2010, the company was renamed from National Aviation Company of India Limited to Air India Limited.

AI code flights IC code flights
Flights per week (approx.) 435 1500
Departures per week (approx.) 550 2300
Seat offer per week 100,000 260,000
Seats sold per week 62,000 165,000
fleet B747-400, B777-200LR, B777-200ER, B777-300ER, A310, A330 A-321, A-320, B-319, CRJ, ATR, Beechcraft
Number of destinations 11 national, 19 international destinations 61 national, 14 international destinations

Individual evidence

  1. - Maharaja gets back old name (English) October 26, 2010