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Aischetades (also Aisketades ; Greek  Αἰσχητάδης ) was a strategist in ancient Athens . In 318 BC BC he defended the island of Salamis, which belongs to Athens, against the Macedonian king Kassander , but lost the battle and had to leave Salamis to the Macedonians. The Salaminians welcomed the change of power, since they no longer had to pay taxes to the Athenians, and joined Kassander. 307 BC BC Demetrios I Poliorketes came to the aid of the Athenians, conquered Salamis and left the island to them. Aischetades was sentenced to death by the Athenians because he was accused of deliberately losing the battle with the Macedonians. The Salaminians were driven from their homeland for treason.

Individual evidence

  1. Polyainos , Strategika 4, 11, 1.
  2. ^ Pausanias , Journeys in Greece , 1, 35, 2.

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