Akai (first name)

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The first name Akai originally comes from the Blackfoot Indians of Northwest America, where it represents a common male first name. There it means something like "Old Swan" or "The Wise One".

The Blackfoot chief Akai Mokti designed the first usable map of the distribution area of ​​the then Blackfoot Indians, who are now in the province of Alberta (Canada) and in the state of Montana (USA). The map served at the beginning of the 19th century as the basis for further mapping of the area by the Hudson's Bay Company , which the cartographers Lewis and Clark undertook as part of the first North American expedition 1804-1806, which extended to the west coast of the USA .

Today it is a first name for boys that has also been introduced in Germany, even if it does not appear very much in the relevant name directories, which is accepted by the registry offices, if necessary with submission of the sources (reference: registry office Friedrichshafen, 2007).

See also

  • Akay (Turkish personal name)