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The file note , the “note for a file”, is mainly used in public administration, but also in other administrations in which files are kept. It is a written note that is made for a specific process and is attached to the corresponding physical file. File notes have different reasons, e.g. B .:

  • A manager requests a summary of a particular process.
  • A clerk concretizes his observations and considerations on a particular process.
  • Presentation of a special issue for the superior's knowledge or as a safeguard to the superior.
  • Before an administrative act / notification is issued, a file note is usually made by the normal clerk in the case of complicated matters or in the case of certain matters identified by internal instructions . It is common practice to countersign or obtain consent by submitting it to the superior clerk and / or speaker .
  • An employee informs his office or management about the status of a specific project.
  • Record a telephone call or negotiation (telephone note).

The memo is a means of mutual information in a specific case. It should serve to make the knowledge about a process available to third parties permanently, summarized and in an orderly manner. In public administration in particular, notes on files make a significant contribution to making administrative action comprehensible and transparent, which is an important basic requirement of the rule of law.

File notes are also made in the standardized form of completed forms. They can also be sent by fax or internal e-mails. The memo only has evidential value if it is made promptly. Subsequent file notes are almost only relevant as memorial notes.

A note is similar to a file disposal that regularly follows a decision.

Syntax and abbreviations

File notes know a variety of special features with regard to abbreviations and syntax, which can differ greatly between the different administrative traditions in the judiciary and the executive branch, but also according to region.

Abbreviations such as AV or Vmk are widely used . (“Filing note”, “Note”, introduce a note) as well as UZ (“Signatory”) or BE (“Reporter”), with which the author of the note refers to himself.

A note must be recognizable as such, so it is often headed “Vmk”. It usually bears a date (either introductory or at the end), with long notes the date of completion. Often the note is written from a neutral perspective ("Mr Müller answers and explains ...") or from the perspective of an imaginary, uninvolved third party ("During the IP, Mr Müller calls in. He explains ..."). This is because the note itself - and not its author - speaks to its reader. A memo is signed with the name and title of the job, while a decree is only signed with the paraphe .


  • Hans G. Raatz, Wolfgang Boochs: The correspondence at the tax office. General introduction . Schaeffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 19-24.

Individual evidence

  1. Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO) § 17.