Available technology

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Availability technology and file notes are instruments to control an internal administrative process, to document what has happened and to guide the following. Details can be regulated in rules of procedure or a file plan .


A file disposal that has been created according to the principle of availability technology is numbered and can be processed one after the other in a logical sequence. The last decree number always indicates what should happen to the file once the decreed measures have been taken in sequence:

Resubmission (Wv.)
with a calendar date or - less useful because it is susceptible to interpretation - with a period measured according to time periods (weeks, months, years). When the resubmission time is reached, the file must be submitted to the responsible person again. The disposition step can be supplemented by an indication of what is to be done or checked for the resubmission, e.g. B. "Wv: 3 weeks - Answer Mr. Müller? ". It can also be specified that the case should be submitted to another body, e.g. B. "Wv. 03/01/2016 Ref. IV A 2 ".
to the process (z. V.)
Must be added to the file indicated by the file number until it comes back on the table due to an external condition (which does not have to be established at the time of the disposition).
to the collection (z. Coll.)
analogous to “z. V. “, but with the difference that events are collected in the file (e.g. in a circular) before the external condition is deemed to have been met.
to the files (z. d. A.)
A condition for reprocessing should not be specified. This final ruling does not mean that the file should no longer be taken to hand when things are expected to go, but only that the file only returns to the course of business after an impetus (internal or external) that has not yet been defined.
Put away (cf.)
Items to be put away are items that do not have to be kept for legal reasons and that are unlikely to ever become relevant again. They are collected as throwaway items and, if no one requests them within a year, destroyed.

Outside of general administration, the procedure is sometimes a little different. Special notes are the closing note and the disposal. In the final comment, the process is "closed" (i.e. ended) and the file is filed. Often there are forms for this. The disposition instructions "put away" or "discard" ends the procedure in a disposition point. In the case of disposal, however, the file is sent to another location for further processing. In prosecutors' offices , such Abverfügungen ( "A u m..." So-called - available stands for "original file with") found for the forwarding of an investigation file to the court along with the indictment . In law firms such dispositions can be found as “settling” dispositions. This transfers the file to an employee who prepares invoices and usually takes care of collecting the fee.


A typical disposition with five disposition points sees e.g. B. as follows:

  I. Kopie Bl. 1–9, 11, 15–32 an
     Abt. II
     Herrn Mustermann o. V. i. A.
mit Anschreiben:
     „Sehr geehrter Herr …,
     anliegenden Aktenauszug übersende ich mit der Bitte um Prüfung,
     ob aus Ihrer Sicht Anlass zur Einleitung eines weiteren Verfahrens besteht.“
 II. Duplo-Akte fertigen.
III. Akte an RA Schulze, Bl. 19 d. A. zur Einsicht für 3 Tage.
 IV. WV: 1 Wo – Akte retour?
  V. Rotfrist notieren: 15. Mai 2013 Verjährung
                  – Paraphe, Tagesdatum

Examples of business progress or processing notes

(Examples can vary from place of work to place of work.)

Labelling meaning
^ to be submitted after departure
O Copy
b. R. please contact us
b. V. please lecture
Hurry preferred to edit
ext. The instruction is done
f. R. telephone consultation
IMMEDIATELY to process immediately
V to be submitted to a higher post
z. d. A. to the files
z. K. for information (if going down the hierarchy)
z. G. K. for your attention (if going up in the hierarchy)
z. V. to the process
z. w. V. for further action


  • Egon Schneider, Markus van den Hövel: Judicial working technique . Verlag Franz Vahlen, Munich 2007. ISBN 978-3-8006-3386-9 . § 2 Department work and available technology, p. 12 ff.

Individual evidence

  1. Christoph Popp: The guideline "File, process and note" , Marchivum , records management, June 2018 (PDF 1.1 MB)
  2. Available technology - “A letter arrives - what now?” (PDF) Script available technology - June 2012