Unit (organization)

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Internal organization of a fictitious federal ministry

A unit is a specific subject or task area that is integrated into the structure of an authority (e.g. offices , institutions under public law , ministries ) or within an organization (e.g. parties , associations , clubs ). The presentations led by the head of department serve to carry out the various tasks within the organization concerned more efficiently.

The units also include persons who report to the unit head in the performance of his specialist tasks. According to the hierarchy defined in the public service , these are scientific employees , speakers ( higher service ), clerks ( upper service ), office clerks ( middle service ) and other employees. Within the respective department, departments usually have a task-oriented organizational structure .

There are numerous presentations, such as B. for work and economy, for the environment and health , for legal issues, for public relations , for research funding, for youth development , for professional practice, for urban development , for quality assurance, for barrier-free building, for ideological issues.

In German federal ministries , departments are assigned to specific subdivisions and are subdivided into subject areas . Heads of unit are mostly ministerial councilors ( grade A 16 or B 3), less often government directors (grade A 15). In the higher and middle authorities , the divisions can be combined into (division) groups, comparable to the sub-divisions of the ministries. (Section) group leaders are mostly senior government directors (the salary corresponds to the ministerial council ) or government directors with the aim of promotion.

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