In Germany, posts in the legal sense of civil servants and judges as well as ranks of soldiers are classified in a salary group . The allocation takes place in the salary regulations of the Federal Salary Act (BBesG; " Federal Salary Regulations ") and the salary laws of the states . Basically there are a total of 38 salary groups in four salary scales (A 2 – A 16, B 1 – B 11, R 1 – R 10 and W 1 – W 3). The level of the basic salary is regulated by law and is determined according to the salary tables attached as an annex to the salary laws. The basic salary of the grades is often measured in stages. A step up takes place after certain times. This increases the basic salary for a person even without a promotion or salary adjustment.
Since the federalism reform in 2006, the states have had the legislative competence to regulate the salaries of their officials and judges themselves.
The equivalent of the salary group for employees of the public sector who are paid according to the collective agreement (e.g. TVöD , TV-L ) is the salary group .
Federal law
This section refers to the regulations of the Federal Salary Act (BBesG). For the salary groups of the states, the information can apply accordingly, provided that the state salary laws make comparable regulations.
The basic content of the remuneration is determined by the grade ( § 19 , para. 1 p.1 BBesG). The offices of civil servants and soldiers and their salary groups are regulated in federal salary regulations ( Section 20 (1) sentence 1 BBesG). The offices are assigned to the salary groups according to their value ( Section 20 (1) sentence 2 BBesG). The entry offices of civil servants are assigned to certain salary groups ( Section 23 BBesG).
If an office or grade is assigned to several salary groups, the basic salary is determined according to the salary group, which is determined in the instruction order (placement instruction). This applies to the ranks of sergeant or chief mate (salary group A 6 or A 7), captain or lieutenant captain (salary group A 11 or A 12), lieutenant colonel or frigate captain (salary group A 14 or A 15) as well as colonel , sea captain , chief doctor , Fleet doctor , chief pharmacist , fleet pharmacist or senior veterinarian (salary group A 16 or B 3). The assignment of the ranks of soldiers to a salary group takes place only in the federal salary regulations A and B, because the states have no soldiers.
At the federal level, salary group A 3 is expected to be dropped on March 1, 2020. [outdated]
Overview of the grades
The salary groups are regulated in the following salary regulations. It is indicated in which salary groups the offices or ranks are classified depending on the career group .
Salary regulations A : salary groups A 2 to A 16
- simple service (A 2 to A 6) or teams (A 3 to A 6)
- middle service or NCOs (A 6 to A 9)
- senior service or officers (A 9 to A 13)
- higher service or officers (A 13 to A 16)
- Salary regulations B : salary groups B 1 to B 11 (civil servants in the higher service or officers in prominent positions)
- Salary regulations R : Salary groups R 1 to R 10 ( judges and civil servants as public prosecutors )
- Salary regulations W : Salary groups W 1 to W 3 (university lecturers)
In 2003, the federal pay regulations C (grades C 1-C 4) for academic civil servants and university lecturers were abolished and replaced by the pay regulations W. Professors and members of governing bodies at universities who were already in office could remain in their salary group of the federal salary regulation C or, upon request, switch to the new system. Until the 1970s there were other salary regulations such as the state salary regulations AH in Baden-Württemberg with the salary groups AH 1 to AH 4.
BesGrp is not an official abbreviation for salary group.
- Andreas Reich, Ulrike Preißler: Federal Salary Act. Comment . 1st edition. CH Beck, Munich 2014, ISBN 978-3-406-66148-8 .
Web links
- Text of the Federal Salary Act
- Private homepage with salary tables and calculators. In: . Retrieved September 11, 2019 .
- Topic page on salary. In: . Federal Ministry of the Interior, for construction and home , accessed on 11 September 2019 .
Individual evidence
- ↑ Draft of a law to modernize the structures of the salary law and to change other regulations under employment law. In: . Retrieved September 11, 2019 .