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Teams on the bridge

The teams are one of the rank groups of the Bundeswehr and former German armed forces . The rank group includes all ranks of the teams. The ranks of the group of teams are in the hierarchy of the Bundeswehr at the lowest hierarchical level.

armed forces


The ranks of the Bundeswehr are determined by the Federal President with the order of the Federal President on the rank designations and the uniform of the soldiers on the basis of the Soldiers Act . The rank group of teams comprises according to the central service provision (ZDv) A-1420/24 "ranks and rank groups" all enlisted.

The following table summarizes all ranks belonging to the rank group of the teams. Ranks for army, air force and naval uniform bearers are the same for all ranks from private and are therefore presented in a table. The table also shows the corresponding NATO rank code , the  general abbreviations defined in accordance with ZDv 64/10 - Abbreviations in the Bundeswehr as well as the abbreviations in lists and the salary group for professional and temporary soldiers according to the federal pay regulations .

Rank group Teams
jacket dress uniform
for or Heeres-
Air Force Uniform
Rank badge of a corporal corporal of the telecommunications force on the epaulette of the jacket of the service suit for army uniform wearers
Rank badge of a corporal of the Army Air Defense Force on the epaulette of the jacket of the service suit for army uniform wearers
Rank badge of a corporal of the artillery troops on the shoulder flap of the jacket of the service suit for army uniform wearers
Rank badge of a corporal on the shoulder flap of the jacket of the service suit for air force uniform wearers
Rank badge of a corporal of the Jägerertruppe on the epaulette of the jacket of the service suit for army uniform wearers
Epaulette of the jacket of the service suit for army uniform wearers of a tank gunner of the tank troops
Sleeve badge
for naval uniform wearers
Rank insignia of an Oberstabsgefreiten (50 series of use) on the upper sleeve of the white shirt for naval uniform wearers
Rank badge of a corporal SanOA (career badge dentistry) on the upper sleeve of the dark blue shirt for naval uniform wearers
Rank badge of a major corporal (30-er series of use) on the upper sleeve of the white shirt for naval uniform wearers
Rank badge of a corporal (60-er series of use) on the upper sleeve of the dark blue shirt for naval uniform wearers
Rank badge of a private (10-er series of uses) on the upper sleeve of the white shirt for naval uniform wearers
Upper sleeve of the dark blue shirt for a sailor wearing a naval uniform (20 series of uses)
Rank Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Private Soldier *
abbreviation OStGefr / OSG StGefr / SG HptGefr / HG OGefr / OG Frozen / G div * / S
NATO rank code OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
Grade A5Z A5 A4Z A4 A3Z A3
* Specifically, the name of the common soldier is aimed at army uniform carriers essentially on the branch of service . For Air Force uniform wearers, the designation is based on the service area. For naval uniform wearers, the rank is always sailor  (Matr). Possible names for army and air force uniform carriers are: Grenadier  (Gren), Jäger  (Jg), Panzerschützen (PzSchtz), Panzergrenadier  (PzGren), Panzerjäger  (PzJg), Kanonier  (Kan), Panzerkanonier (PzKan), Pionier  (Pi), Panzerpionier  (PzPi), radio operator  (Fu), tank operator  (PzFu), rifleman  (Schtz), aviator  (Flg), medical  soldier (SanS). The list abbreviation is always "S"

The Bundeswehr will introduce the two new ranks of corporal and staff corporal on October 1, 2021 . It is initially a pilot project.

Authority to command and positions

In the Bundeswehr, soldiers in the rank group of the teams can never issue orders based on their rank alone on the basis of Section 4 (“Superiors relationship based on rank”) of the Superiors Ordinance. Even in emergency situations, team ranks cannot declare themselves to be superiors according to § 6 ("Superiors relationship based on their own declaration") of the Superiors Ordinance.

After completing their training, crews are employed, for example, as drivers , as infantrymen , in security or as operators of weapons systems (e.g. as gunner of armored vehicles ), as mechanics or in staff departments . Experienced enlisted personnel are often trainers, squad leader or (but then usually only temporarily by § 5 ( "superior special relationship due arrangement") of the superior regulation ) group leaders and are used on staff and specialized items that require considerable expertise and experience. On the basis of this and similar positions, even teams in the lowest rank can issue orders to all soldiers who are officially or professionally subordinate in the cases listed in the Supervisor Ordinance and within the limits specified there.

Appointment and remuneration

Relevant legal basis for the appointment to one of the ranks of the rank group of the teams is made by the Soldiers' Career Ordinance (SLV) and in addition the Central Service Regulations (ZDv) 20/7. In a corresponding rank to regular soldiers , voluntary military service and ordered reservists are appointed. Soldiers in the rank group of the crews can belong to any of the three career groups (one of the careers of the career groups of officers , NCOs or men). Rank in the rank group of the teams is always the lowest rank . The ranks Ober- , Haupt- , Stab- and Oberstabsgefreiter do not have to be passed and can be "skipped" in all careers; As a rule, soldiers of the team careers pass through the ranks in the order of Gefreiter , Obergefreiter, Hauptgefreiter , Stabsgefreiter , Oberstabsgefreiter. According to the careers listed as a rule in the Soldiers' Career Ordinance, teams in the other career groups serve first in the lowest team rank, then in the ranks of private and corporal corporal, before they move up to the rank group of non-commissioned officers .

Soldiers on time in a rank of the teams will depend on the rank and service position by the Federal pay regulation (BBesO) with A3 to A5 mA remunerated . Instead, those doing voluntary military service and reservists are given military pay according to the Military Pay Act .


The higher-ranking enlisted Stabsgefreiter and upper Stabsgefreiter were (StGefr) and 23 February 1996 (OStGefr) into the Bundeswehr until December 20, 1989th In the last six months of military service , those doing basic military service were usually promoted to private. In the previous nine months of military service, those doing basic military service were usually promoted to the rank of corporal. Voluntary military service (also called: voluntarily long-term service) could be promoted to the rank of corporal in their service period of up to 23 months. The higher ranks of the crew were reserved for the soldiers on a temporary basis.

Rank badge

The rank badge of the teams shows one or more diagonal stripes as shoulder badges or as sleeve badges on the upper sleeves (sleeve badges only for navy uniform wearers). The rank badges of the private have a diagonal stripe, that of the Obergefreiten two etc. Soldiers in the lowest rank have no rank badges.

Career group of the teams

Regardless of the rank group of the teams, according to the Soldiers' Career Ordinance, six careers are combined to form the career group of the teams . Soldiers who do not aspire to non-commissioned officers or officers are assigned to this rank group. Incidentally, not all soldiers belong to the rank group of the teams in the career group of the teams. Instead, they are assigned to the career group of officers or the career group of NCOs .

Equivalent rank groups

The rank group of the crews includes the NATO rank code from OR-1 to OR-4. There is no exact equivalent to the rank group of the teams in other armed forces . If the NATO rank code is taken into account, the grades of the team in the Swiss Army form a similar group, while in the Federal Army soldiers of this hierarchy level are grouped together as recruits and batches .

Unofficial names

In the Navy, regardless of the actual rank, all crews on board ships are sometimes referred to as sailors , some as guests .

Former German armed forces

Hunter, rider, gunner, pioneer, radio operator, driver, driver, medical soldier
Upper gunner, upper ...
Corporal from 1927
Hardware smith staff and musicians were given the intentions “hardware smiths” and “musicians”.
in the Württemberg army from 1818: foreman, chief gunner, second class trumpeter, second class musician, flag smith, flag saddler, regimental gunsmith
  • Team ranks in earlier German armies until the 18th century
Servant, philistine, rider, archer
freed servant (private), foreman


  1. Note: The Bundeswehr describes all soldiers who wear the uniform of the respective armed forces as army or air force or naval uniform wearers. The term also includes soldiers outside the three armed forces, for example in the armed forces base , cf. Training as reserve officer candidate in military service. Federal Office for Personnel Management of the Bundeswehr (BAPersBw) - The President., March 13, 2014, accessed on March 26, 2014 .
  2. In practice it is very rare to “skip” ranks, and especially to skip several ranks at once. The prerequisite is that the other conditions of the Soldiers' Career Ordinance for the appointment to a higher rank are met, especially with regard to the length of service. Usually soldiers through the team races ranks within the usual order corporal , corporal, lance corporal , Corporal , Upper Stabsgefreiter . If teams of the career groups of officers and NCOs do not pass through the higher ranks and instead move up to the rank group of NCOs without porter at an early stage, as is the rule in the Soldiers' Career Ordinance, then one does not speak of "skipping".
  3. ZDv 20/7 on the basis of Section 44 of the Soldiers ' Careers Ordinance ( Ordinance on the Careers of Soldiers (Soldiers' Career Ordinance - SLV) . March 19, 2002, Section 44 ( [accessed on March 25, 2014] revised) by announcement of August 19, 2011 I 1813. Last amended by Art. 2, Paragraph 5 G of April 8, 2013 I 730). )

Web links

Wiktionary: Teams  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e The Federal President (Ed.): Order of the Federal President on the rank designations and the uniform of the soldiers . BPresUnifAnO . July 14, 1978 ( [PDF] Order of the Federal President on the rank designations and uniforms of soldiers from July 14, 1978 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1067 ), last amended by Article 1 of the order of 31. May 1996 ( BGBl. I p. 746 ) has been changed).
  2. The Federal Minister of Defense (ed.): Law on the legal status of soldiers (Soldiers Act - SG) . Bonn March 19, 1956, § 4 para. 3 (2) - ( [PDF; accessed on March 25, 2014] Newly drafted by notice of May 30, 2005 I 1482. Last amended by Art . 1 G of April 8, 2013 I 730).
  3. a b c Agreed English texts. STANAG 2116. NATO standardization agreement (STANAG). NATO codes for grades of military personnel . 5th edition. 1992 (English, [accessed March 25, 2014]).
  4. a b c Federal Minister of Defense; Command Staff of the Armed Forces IV 1 (Ed.): Abbreviations for use in the Bundeswehr - German Abbreviations - ZDv 64/10 . Bonn January 19, 1979 ( [PDF] as of September 17, 1999).
  5. a b c Appendix I (to § 20, paragraph 2, sentence 1) Bundesbesoldungsgesetz orders of A and B . ( [accessed on March 25, 2014] Federal Salary Regulations (BBesO) only apply to professional and temporary soldiers and are an annex to the Federal Salary Act (BBesG)).
  6. The Federal Minister of Defense (ed.): ZDv 14/5. Soldiers Act. DSK AV110100174, change status July 17, 2008 . Bonn August 21, 1978, rankings in the Bundeswehr, p. B 185 (Not to be confused with the Law on the Legal Status of Soldiers (Soldiers Law)).
  7. a b c Hartmut Bagger , Command Staff of the Armed Forces I 3, Federal Ministry of Defense (Ed.): ZDv 37/10. Suit regulations for soldiers in the Bundeswehr. Bonn July 16, 2008, 4 labels, p. 539 ( [PDF; 3.5 MB ] Reprint October 2008 replaces first edition from July 1996). ( Memento of the original from September 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. prelude to the Koporale , , August 3, 2020
  9. a b The Federal Minister of Defense (ed.): ZDv 14/5. Soldiers Act . DSK AV110100174, amendment status July 17, 2008. Bonn August 21, 1978, The Superiors Ordinance, p. A 12 1 (Not to be confused with the Ordinance on the Regulation of Military Superiors (Superiors Ordinance - VorgV)).
  10. Federal Minister of Defense (Ed.): Ordinance on the regulation of the military superior relationship (Superior Ordinance - VorgV) . June 4, 1956, § 4 ( [accessed on March 25, 2014] Last amended by Art. 1 No. 2 V of October 7, 1981 I 1129).
  11. Federal Minister of Defense (Ed.): Ordinance on the regulation of the military superior relationship (Superior Ordinance - VorgV) . June 4, 1956, § 6 ( [accessed on March 25, 2014] Last amended by Art. 1 No. 2 V of October 7, 1981 I 1129).
  12. Federal Minister of Defense (Ed.): Ordinance on the regulation of the military superior relationship (Superior Ordinance - VorgV) . June 4, 1956 ( [accessed on March 25, 2014] Last amended by Art. 1 No. 2 V of October 7, 1981 I 1129).
  13. a b Ordinance on the Careers of Soldiers (Soldiers' Careers Ordinance - SLV) . March 19, 2002 ( [accessed on March 25, 2014] Newly drafted by notice of August 19, 2011 I 1813. Last amended by Art. 2 Paragraph 5 G of April 8, 2013 I 730).
  14. Note also: Annex (to § 3). Allocation of the career paths of the soldiers to the career groups of the men and women, the NCOs and the officers
  15. The Federal Minister of Defense; Personnel, Social and Central Affairs Department (Ed.): ZDv 20/7. Provisions for the transport and for the recruitment, acceptance and admission of soldiers . Bonn March 27, 2002, Art. 635 ( ( memento of October 26, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) [PDF; accessed on March 26, 2014] DSK AP210100187, reprint January 2008). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  16. Law on remuneration in cash and in kind for soldiers who do military service on the basis of compulsory military service (Wehrsoldgesetz - WSG). (PDF) Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection ; juris GmbH , March 3, 1957, accessed on November 1, 2014 (in the version of the announcement of August 13, 2008 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1718 ), last amended by Article 2, Paragraph 8 of the law of April 8, 2013 ( Federal Law Gazette . I p. 730 ) has been changed).