Service position

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A position describes - in contrast to a rank or rank - the functional integration of a person in a command and command structure in many armed forces or in an organizational structure in some organizations with sovereign tasks. In Austria the term service use or function is also used.


armed forces

According to the German Superiors Ordinance (VorgV), the position takes precedence over the rank of authority with regard to authority .


The designations General of the Infantry , General of the Telecommunication Troops , General Aviation Security , General of the Supply Force and General of the Army Air Defense Force are no longer ranks in the Bundeswehr, in contrast to the earlier armies, but positions.

fire Department

In some federal states (e.g. Baden-Württemberg, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia), the fire brigade in Germany uses the principle of differentiating between ranks and positions. In addition to the rank badge, the fire brigade members may wear a special service badge .

technical aid organization

The technical relief organization only knows service positions ; but not ranks.

See also