Activity star

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Air Force General a. D. Vincenzo Camporini with activity stars on his collar

So-called activity stars (Italian stellette [militari] ) are a badge affixed to all uniforms of the Italian armed forces (including the Guardia di Finanza , the Coast Guard and the military personnel of the Red Cross ), which indicates the combatant status of the wearer. Usually such a star, which also refers to the national symbol Stella d'Italia , is worn at each front end of the collar (possibly within the collar tab or the braid), for sailors in the corners of the shirt collar (only visible from the back). The star is five-pointed, usually made of white metal, but always gold for generals and admirals . Sewn-on fabric stars are used on the field uniform; they are embroidered on sailor collars .

With the army and the national police forces , metal collar tabs in the form of pins have been common since 1973, bearing the activity star or (for police officers) the name of the republic.

The personnel of the Military Relief Corps of the Order of Malta also wear the activity star, if necessary on the collar tabs of the Army Medical Service .

Individual evidence

  1. This reproduction in German is published by Richard Knötel in his Handbuch der Uniformkunde , revised by H. Knötel the Elder. J. and H. Sieg, Schulz, Hamburg, 1937, ss. 233, 239, 414 and 435 are used.