al-Muchabarat al-'Amma

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al-Muchabarat al-'Amma as-Sa'udiyya ( Arabic المخابرات العامة al-Muchābarāt al-ʿĀmma , DMG al-Muḫābarāt al-ʿĀmma ), or General Intelligence Directorate (of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) , is the state secret service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .

The intelligence service, based in Riyadh , was founded in 1957 under the leadership of Saed K. and Omar Shams . Its organizational structure was developed by the secret service under King Faisal , who appointed Kemal Adham as general director in the early 1960s. Kemal had previously been trained at the CIA . Prince Muqrin has been the general director since 2005, and Prince Faisal ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammed Al Saud is his deputy. The highest authority for the secret service is the king, currently King Salman . In accordance with Article 60 of the constitution, it dismisses and appoints the directors.
