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description Arabic-language daily newspaper in Saudi Arabia
publishing company Assir Establishment for Press and Publishing
First edition September 1, 2000
Frequency of publication Every day
Web link

Al-Watan ( Arabic الوطن, DMG al- Waṭan  'home') is a leading daily newspaper in Saudi Arabia . It sees itself as reform-oriented and close to Western positions. It gained international fame when its director Jamal Khashoggi was dismissed from his post for harsh criticism of Islamic religious scholars, including Ibn Taimiya .

The newspaper is considered close to the government and non-religious. She repeatedly causes a stir in Saudi Arabia by criticizing Islamic authorities and the Mutawwa , including in 2004 the Grand Mufti Abd al-Aziz bin Abdullah Al-Sheikh . The Mutawwa in Saudi Arabia often criticized the newspaper on its Internet portal and "refuted" its articles.

Islamists are said to have called for the murder of editors in the past. The newspaper and its editors were dubbed “infidels” from Islamist circles.

A Muslim cleric from the official council of scholars in Riyadh said it was a "sin" to buy Al-Watan. The newspaper is financially supported by the Saudi state. Saleh al-Shehi , known for his columns in Al-Watan , was sentenced to five years in prison in February 2018 for insulting state institutions ("insulting the royal court").


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The press in Saudi Arabia. BBC News, December 13, 2006
  2. Michael Thumann: Seeing is a sin. In: Die Zeit , No. 28/2003.
  3. a b Michael Thumann: The invisible evil. In: Die Zeit , No. 25/2003.
  4. Saudi journalist jailed for five years for insulting royal court . CPJ , February 8, 2018.