Alatau beef

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The Alatau cattle ( Russian Алатауска / Alatauska ) is a breed of cattle from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan .

Breeding history

In Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan , Kyrgyz and Kazakh cattle were crossed with Brown-Swiss . Kyrgyz and Kazakh cattle are known for

  • Adaptation to the local climate
  • rapid rate of increase
  • small
  • late ripe
  • little milk: 500 - 600 kg milk with a high fat content.

The first crossing was made in 1904. Later, from 1929 to 1940 , over 4,500 Brown Swiss cattle were imported to Kyrgyzstan and 4,300 to Kazakhstan . The Brown Swiss cattle got along well in the hot climate and mountainous conditions. Later crossbreeding of Kostroma cattle. The breed was recognized in 1950. In 1980 the number of Alatau cattle was 930,000.


  • strong constitution
  • solid and fine skeleton
  • Head large with a long face
  • Chest deep and broad, well developed dewlap
  • Legs of medium length
  • Muscles well developed
  • Udder medium-sized
  • very good meat quality
  • Milk yield 4,000 kg with 3.9% fat

Breeding today

The Alatau cattle consist of 9 main lines.

Alatau cattle are raised in the city of Bishkek and the Tianshan and Issykköl regions in Kyrgyzstan and Taldy-Kurgan and Almaty in Kazakhstan . They were exported to Mongolia , where a new type, Mongolian Alatau beef-milk beef, was bred.

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