Alberto Aringhieri

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Alberto Aringhieri (baptized November 18, 1447 in Siena , † after 1506) was an Italian politician and diplomat for Siena.

Alberto's exact date of birth is unknown. However, a record of his baptism on November 18, 1447 was found, so it can be assumed that the birth occurred in November 1447.

Details about his childhood are not known. Assuming that the entire family took part in the father's diplomatic trips, which are very well documented, he must have spent his childhood in Venice and his youth in Rome.

1468 began his civil career with a six-month term on the board of the Sienese Mercanzia.

From 1480 he worked in several functions in the service of the Sienese Republic. Most importantly, he was elected to the office of master builder on August 10, 1480, after Savino di Matteo Savini was ousted from office. An office that he held until 1506. From September to October 1480 he was Capitano del Popolo and Gonfaloniere , a position in which he also worked from May to June 1481, from January to February 1484 and from July to August 1493.

His activity in foreign diplomacy seems to have begun in 1483 when he was a Sienese orator or ambassador in Florence from May 28 to June 16 and in Milan in November of the same year; on March 17, 1486 he was reappointed ambassador to Florence. In July 1486 Alberto was elected by the Regolari for a six-month term and in July 1495 by the Biccherna for a similar term.

In addition to these specific offices, Alberto worked several times on the Balia as a representative of the Monte di Popolo, whereby his first term of office began at the end of 1479, according to Allegretti. In addition to his long career in the public service, from 1480 Alberto was also the commandant of San Pietro alla Magione , one of two properties belonging to the Knights of Rhodes (Order of Saint John of Jerusalem) in Siena. Again, the origins of his involvement in this military order are unknown, and there is no known prior association of Aringhieri family members with the Knights.

There is no evidence that Alberte ever married. However, the baptismal records show that an illegitimate son was baptized on March 12, 1482 and legitimized as a member of the Aringhieri family.

His last term of office on the Balia was in the spring of 1506. On June 30, 1506 he had to flee from Siena for fear that he might be murdered by Siena's despot Pandolfo Petrucci . Aringhiere's later whereabouts, activities and date of death are unknown, as is the date of his burial under the floor slab at the entrance to the chapel of John the Baptist in the Cathedral of Siena .


  • G. Aronow: Towards a Biography of Alberto Aringhieri, Operaio del Duomo di Siena . In: M. Ascheri, G.Mazzoni, F. Nevola (Eds.): L'ultimo secolo della Repubblica di Siena. Arti, cultura e società . Siena 2008, p. 323-353 .
  • Allegretto Allegretti: Diario delle cose sanesi del suo tempo . A.VIII.42. BCS.
  • Silberger, Henrietta Smyster: The Iconology of the Massacre of the Innocents in Late Quattrocento Sienese Art . Ph.D. diss. Case Western Reserve University, 1999.
  • Timothy B. Smith: Alberto Aringhieri and the Chapel of Saint John the Baptist. Patronage, Politics, and the Cult of Relics in Renaissance Siena . Florida State University, 2002 (English, [PDF; 20.8 MB ; accessed on January 8, 2019]).

Individual evidence

  1. Alberto was first elected to the board of the Sienese Balìa in 1479 (Allegretti, p. 86). He was subsequently born on June 22, 1480, August 22, 1480, December 21, 1480, February 19, 1481, August 6, 1482, October 30, 1482, January 26, 1483, April 2, 1483, May 26, 1483, Re-elected in September 1496, May 19, 1503, September 27, 1503, March 14, 1504, and re-elected in March 1506. See Balà lists in Balìa, ASS, 21 and following editions.