Alberto Nagel

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Alberto Nicola Nagel

Alberto Nicola Nagel ( June 7, 1965 in Milan ) has been CEO of Mediobanca since October 2008 . 


After graduating from high school in 1984 at Istituto Leone XIII , he decided to study business administration at Bocconi University  in Milan, where he graduated in 1990. In 1991 he was hired by Mediobanca.

Alberto Nagel is married and has two children. He is based in Italy but commutes between Milan and London, where he works part of the week.

The career in the Mediobanca 

After being hired at Mediobanca on April 2, 1991, Alberto Nagel's entire career began with increasingly responsible tasks within the institute, first in the financial services sector, then at the General Secretariat, of which he was appointed in 1997. With the expansion of the organizational structure of Mediobanca, Alberto Nagel finally took over the management of the investment banking division.

Alberto Nagel was appointed manager on April 1, 1995, Central Director on February 1, 1998, Deputy General Director on April 12, 2002 and General Manager on April 14, 2003. In July 2007 he was appointed executive board member and in October 2008 chairman of the board of Mediobanca, an office that he still holds today.

In the 1990s he was involved in the Italian privatizations accompanied by Mediobanca, including the privatizations of Enel (1999), BNL (1998) and Finmeccanica (2000).

During the same period, he worked on some of the largest Italian M&A deals. In 1994/1995 he was in charge of the public takeover bid by Credito Italiano for Credito Romagnolo ; In 1999 he took part in Olivetti's public takeover offer for Telecom Italia and in 2000/2001 he accompanied Generali's public takeover offer for INA. He also accompanied the consolidation process of the Italian Volksbanks.

In 2004, as General Director, he presented Mediobanca's first business plan to the financial community.

Alberto Nagel is the author of the three-year strategic plan (2014-2016), which was presented to the financial community on June 21, 2013. This plan was followed with great interest by the Italian and international media, who saw in it a turning point for Italian capitalism.

The balance achieved by Albert Nagel today through the diversification of businesses has produced significant results and an associated repositioning of the bank's businesses. He is responsible for expanding Mediobanca's corporate and investment banking to foreign markets with offices in Paris (2004), Moscow and Luxembourg (2005), Frankfurt, Madrid and New York (2007), London (2008) and Istanbul (2013) owe.

Simultaneously with the opening of the foreign locations, he began to expand the retail area of ​​the Mediobanca Group. This development began in 2007 with the acquisition of Linea by Compass and continued in 2008 when he presented CheBanca !, the new retail bank of the group, now one of the most important online banks in Italy, to the market. With the takeover of a selected segment of the retail activities of Barclays Italia at the end of 2015, the retail sector was consolidated. In 2015, Nagel opened the alternative asset management business with the acquisition of a majority stake in Cairn Capital, a London-based credit asset management company.

In 2016, Alberto Nagel presented the financial community's strategic three-year plan until 2019, which provides for a faster expansion of wealth management in line with the core business of corporate investment banking. This scenario also includes the overall takeover of Banca Esperia, which Mr Nagel announced at the same time as the plan and which is geared towards the further development of private banking services for large fortunes.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Alberto Nagel", on
  2. ^ Italian Business: No way Back - Financial TimesMediobanca Bids Arrivederci to Italy Inc. 
  3. Alberto Nagel is the new CEO - expansion of international business - Italian-French similarities . In: Finance and Economy . ( [accessed on September 28, 2017]).
  4. ^ Mediobanca takes control of London-based Cairn Capital, The Financial Times, 04/08/2015.

See also

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