Albrecht Wodtke

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Albrecht Wodtke (* 1901 ; † 1983 ) was a German administrative lawyer.


After studying, Wodtke worked from 1927 as a court assessor at various local courts in the judicial district of Naumburg (Saale) and at the public prosecutor's office in Halle (Saale). He resigned from the judicial service in 1929 and then held various positions in the Saxon provincial administration in Merseburg. In 1946/47 he worked for the Merseburg district government and then from 1947 to 1949 chairman of a ruling chamber at the ruling court in Bielefeld.

From 1949 he was a commissioned judge at the Düsseldorf Regional Court, and from 1950 an assistant judge at the Düsseldorf Regional Administrative Court. In 1952 he transferred to the Federal Ministry of the Interior , where from 1952 to 1955 he was head of Section Z 1b or (from 1953) Z 2 (personnel matters of the subordinate authorities or agencies), from 1955 to 1960 head of Section II 3 and / or (from June 1958) II A 3 (disciplinary law, disciplinary jurisdiction), from June 1958 to 1966 (until 1960 at the same time) head of subdivision II A (general law of the public service).

On the occasion of his retirement, he was awarded the Great Federal Cross of Merit in 1966 . Wodtke had been a member of the Corps Franconia Jena since 1920 .

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 37 , 662

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