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Alchermes is an Italian liqueur . In addition to around 25% alcohol, it typically contains sugar , cinnamon , cloves , cardamom , vanilla , rose water and the dye kermes . The latter ingredient gives the drink a characteristic red color so that it can also be used to color dishes such as zuppa inglese and crostata di ricotta.

The name goes back to the Arabic term al-qirmiz , which refers to the dye kermes. The origin of the liqueur is traced back to Florence , at the time of the Medici . In France it is known as the Liqueur de 'Medici . It went out of fashion at the beginning of the 20th century, but is still offered by different manufacturers today. It actually belongs to the original ingredients of Zuppa Inglese, later it was replaced by the brandy that is common today.

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Commons : Alchermes  - collection of images, videos and audio files