Alexander Kolde

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Alexander Kolde (born March 2, 1886 in Neuhaldensleben , † March 2, 1963 in Flensburg ) was an East Prussian painter .


Alexander Kolde was born on March 2nd, 1886 in Haldensleben as the first child of soap boiler Georg Kolde and his wife Bertha Lesser and grew up in Rastenburg . He is one of the most idiosyncratic representatives of the style of the German Secession in Königsberg and was considered one of the most progressive artists in East Prussia in the interwar period . He completed his training from 1906 at the Akademie der Künste (Berlin) and the Art Academy in Königsberg , with Angelo Jank in Munich and finally in 1913 with Lovis Corinth in Berlin, where he also settled. There was only a very short creative period left for him. He was drafted into the First World War in August 1914 , which he survived with a serious wound.

From 1918 he settled in Königsberg as a freelance painter. Here he is one of the leading and integrating forces of the local artistic community. He founded the artists' association “Der Ring” and headed an interest group for his professional colleagues, which among other things realized joint exhibitions. As a painter he was on the threshold of Expressionism and took a special position in Königsberg with his brightly colored paintings. From 1926 he was able to consolidate his position in Königsberg and from then on belonged to the well-known great artists in East Prussia.

After 1933 he was gradually sidelined because of his independent painting style. In 1936 an exhibition of his work was banned shortly before the opening. Kolde was not officially banned from painting, but was sidelined. In 1940 he went to Graudenz . In 1945 he fled to Flensburg , where he settled. Like most of his fellow fates, he continued his now lost work before 1945, but it was very difficult to gain a foothold again.

His marriage to Helene Weber gave birth to the three children Berta, Katharina and Dorothea.

Alexander Kolde died in Flensburg in 1963 at the age of 77.

Exhibitions (selection)


  • Alexander Kolde: Wandering Christ. And the cherub stands before God. Lithographic cycles from 1920. Husum Verlag, Husum 1993, ISBN 3-88042-642-2 .
  • Alexander Kolde, Berta Alexandrowna Kolde, Katharina Kolde: Master of the colors. Husum Verlag, Husum 2010, ISBN 978-3-89876-511-4 .
  • Friedrich von Boetticher (art historian) : Painters works of the nineteenth century. Vol. 2, Fr. von Boetticher's Verlag, Dresden 1901.
  • Fritz Gause : The history of the city of Königsberg in Prussia. From the First World War to the fall of Königsberg. Vol. 3, Böhlau, Cologne 1971, ISBN 3-412-38871-8 , p. 75.
  • Maja Ehlermann-Mollenhauer (ed.): Ernst Mollenhauer 1892–1963. An expressionist from East Prussia - paintings from the estate . Umschau Buchverlag, Heidelberg 1992, ISBN 3-89466-001-5 . Pp. 32, 52.

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