Alfred Waagner

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Alfred Waagner (born April 23, 1886 in Vienna ; † 1960 ibid.) Was an Austrian painter and craftsman. His works can be assigned to Art Nouveau .

Life and works

Alfred Waagner studied chemistry and mechanical engineering in Vienna from 1905 to 1907. The chemistry of colors aroused his interest in painting. From 1907 to 1912 he trained as a private student with Bertold Löffler . In the summers of 1912 and 1913 he built a puppet theater for his friends in Dürnstein , which he later developed. The first performances of this theater, which had a sophisticated scenic mechanism, took place in Vienna in 1914.

Waagner exhibited for the first time in 1913: two still lifes and a nude girl were on view at the Vienna Secession . In 1914, Waagner exhibited works in the Glaspalast in Munich and at the international caricature exhibition in London . From 1914 to 1918 Waagner took part in the First World War. He returned to his homeland in December 1918 and took part in the 54th exhibition of the Vienna Secession in 1919. In the same year he was also involved in founding the art community , whose exhibitions he sent for many years. In October 1924 he showed 50 works in a collective exhibition at the Viennese moat. His puppet theater, built before the war, was reactivated between 1922 and 1924; public performances took place in Waagner's studio. After the “Anschluss” of Austria in 1938, he donated the theater to the Hitler Youth of the Niederdonau district.

Waagner's picture Das Blaue Ringelspiel from 1923 became the property of the Viennese municipal collections. Many of his pictures came into the art trade after the collection of his friend Jürgen Schmidt was liquidated. His paintings often show a relationship with Klimt's works ; the allegorical representation of youth and death, which the art dealer Widder presented in 2012 in Known - Unknown , was also compared with pictures by Hans Baldung Grien .


Individual evidence

  1. Press text for the opening of the sales platform
  2. Short biography at based on Thieme / Becker
  3. Widder art trade: known - unknown . Vienna 2012, ISBN 978-3-99028-157-4 , p. 10 f. ( online ; PDF; 8.6 MB).