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Aliran is the short name of the Malay Persatuan Aliran Kesesdaran Negara (German: Society of National Consciousness). This is an overarching intellectual advocacy group for social and political reform in Malaysia .


The organization was founded in 1977 on the Malay island of Penang . Chandra Muzaffar soon became the defining figure of the movement.


The organization stands for political debate in a society that allows few civil rights . Its pamphlets and magazines have always been a source of irritation to the government, which was on the verge of banning the group's activities.

However, the organization's influence is limited to the middle class, which limits the group's clout. This also explains why it continues to be tolerated by the government.


  • Michael Leifer: Dictionary of the Modern Politics of South-East Asia . 3rd edition, London, New York: Routledge, 2001, ISBN 978-0-415-23875-5
    Limited preview of issue 3 from 2001 on Google Books: Page 51: Aliran