General Railway Newspaper

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The Allgemeine Eisenbahn-Zeitung was a trade journal for transport economics that appeared in Austria and the German Reich between 1928 and 1932 . The newspaper was published in Graz by H. Hansmann, who was also the responsible editor . It initially appeared on the 1st and 16th of each month, from 1931 monthly with individual interruptions due to the difficult economic situation as a result of the global economic crisis .

It emerged from the German-Austrian Bahnmeister-Zeitung and had the subtitle "Organ for the transport industry, for the interests and interested parties of the railways, sea, river, airship, large car companies and for technology, trade and traffic". It started with the aim of giving a “comprehensive overview of all areas of transport in the whole world”. In addition to the railways, this also affected shipping , aviation and motor vehicle traffic . The magazine wanted to report on advances in technology as well as in intellectual life in the transport sector, as well as new railway constructions and the development of new transport areas. A separate column was devoted to the economy , finance , trade and industry.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Allgemeine Eisenbahn-Zeitung, Issue 1 , 1928
  2. Allgemeine Eisenbahn-Zeitung, Issue 1 , 1931
  3. Information from the Austrian National Library