Alliance for Climate Protection

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The Alliance for Climate Protection was a US non-profit organization . It was founded in 2006 by Al Gore , Nobel Prize winner and former Vice President of the United States. With more than five million members worldwide, the alliance was one of the largest non-profit organizations that had set itself the task of informing the world community about the urgency of implementing comprehensive solutions to the climate crisis .

The organization was financed through donations. In addition to Al Gore, who among other things donated the prize money of the Allianz Nobel Prize awarded to him in 2007, the donors include venture capital manager John Doerr and former eBay president Jeff Skoll . The proceeds from the Live Earth concerts went to a foundation initiated by Allianz.

In March 2010, The Climate Project , which was also founded by Al Gore and saw itself as part of a grassroots movement, became a sub-organization of the Alliance. In July 2011, the alliance was replaced by The Climate Reality Project as the successor organization.

The Alliance also had some sub-organizations, such as The Climate Project and Inconvenient Youth . She participated in many larger projects such as Repower America .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Hans Baer: activist profile Al Gore . In: M. Dietz, H. Garrelts (Ed.): The international climate movement, civil society and democracy . Springer Fachmedien , 2013, doi : 10.1007 / 978-3-658-01970-9_15 .
  2. ^ National Climate Organizations Join Forces In Historic Push For Climate and Clean Energy Solutions. Both Founded by Al Gore, The Climate Project unites with The Alliance for Climate Protection to form a global campaign representing millions of people to affect bold action on climate change. Alliance for Climate Protection, March 5, 2010, accessed August 31, 2013 .
  3. Gore says climate change “not a political issue”. Reuters, October 12, 2007, accessed August 31, 2013 .
  4. Rick Cohen: Obama and the Social Entrepreneurs: Boon, Bane or a Wash for the Nonprofit Sector? In: The Nonprofit Quarterly. June 2, 2010, accessed August 31, 2013 .
  5. “Live Earth” concerts: The earth rocks. In: Zeit-Online. July 7, 2007, accessed August 31, 2013 .
  6. ^ Bryan Walsh: Al Gore Wants You to Join the Climate Reality. In: Time. July 12, 2011, accessed August 31, 2013 .