Allin Cottrell

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Allin Cottrell, 2011

Allin Cottrell (born June 26, 1953 in Scotland ) is Professor of Economics at the US Wake Forest University .


Cottrell made his Bachelor Accounts in Politics , Philosophy and Economics (PPE) at Merton College of Oxford University . He received his PhD from the University of Edinburgh .

In 1983 he moved to the United States and taught at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Elon University before moving to Wake Forest University in 1989 . There Cottrell teaches economics and econometrics . His main research relates to the history of ideas in economics, especially Keynes and Marx , questions of macroeconomics and the theory of economic planning. Cottrell is married with one daughter.


Together with the computer scientist Paul Cockshott , Cottrell presented in his work “ Alternatives from the computer. For socialist planning and direct democracy ”( Towards a new socialism ), various approaches are proposed as to how a planned economy that is superior to the market economy can be made possible through information technology.

Cottrell is the initiator and one of the main authors responsible for gretl ( Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library), an open source program package for statistical calculations.


English original
German translations
  • Alternatives from the calculator. For Socialist Planning and Direct Democracy , 2006, ISBN 978-3-89438-345-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Short biography on the Wake Forest University website.