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Alpos ( Greek  Ἄλπος ) is a fearsome giant in Greek mythology who lived on the Pelorias Mountains , the northeastern cape of Sicily .

He was a son of Gaia , had hair like the Medusa vipers and was so huge that he could touch the sun and moon.

Alpos tried to overpower Dionysus , who was roaming through his mountainous territory , by throwing boulders and tree trunks at him, but was pierced by the Thyrsus of Dionysus.

Since there are no sources other than the Dionysiacs of Nonnos of Panopolis , it cannot be said whether Nonnos reproduces a local myth here or whether the giant was born from his invention.


  • Nonnos Dionysiaka 25.236ff, 45.175ff, 47.626ff


Web links

  • Alpos in the Theoi project