Alruna from Cham

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Alruna von Cham , also Alrun - the name means 'the noble' or 'of noble disposition' - (* around 990 in Bavaria ; † January 27, 1045 in Niederaltaich , Bavaria), is a Catholic blessed .


She came from the noble family of Cham , because of her name, others saw the Margraves of Cham as their ancestors.

After the death of her husband, the noble Mazelin von Portis, she began to lead her life as a recluse near the Benedictine monastery in Niederaltaich . She devoted herself to prayer , helped people with advice and encouragement, and was known as the "mother of the poor" because of her charity. Alruna had a servant named Wilhelm and a maid named Mechtildis with her, both of whom had a reputation for great piety.

She died under Abbot Raimund on January 27, 1045 in Niederaltaich of a violent fever. After three days her body was ceremoniously carried to the monastery church by her relatives and placed at the altar of St. Oswald buried. Numerous healings from the sick are reported at her grave. On September 16, 1731, her body was removed from the simple tomb and solemnly placed on the altar of St. Oswald exposed to worship, which was cultivated until 1800.

She is represented as a Benedictine woman with a discarded margrave's crown and is the patron saint of pregnant women and fever sufferers.

Remembrance day is January 27th .


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