Old front

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Altvordere or Altvordern ( Middle High German altfordero , later ouldvorderen ; Dutch oudtvoirdern ) denotes all ancestors (ancestors) who preceded the still living.

Even statesmen like Konrad Adenauer or Charles de Gaulle are sometimes referred to as the forerunners of the unification of Europe , originally mainly from the news magazine Der Spiegel . In politics , the ancestors of the parties are spoken of; What is meant in this case are still living, deserving politicians.

In the Yenish language of “traveling” population groups, the term is used for all who are at least one generation older than the user of the word and who therefore have an honorary position. With appropriate occasions there is the "Circle of the Ancients" from the middle of the " Altvater is determined" as head of the congregation.

Web links

Wiktionary: Old front  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Duden editors: Altvordere. In: Duden online . January 2013, accessed on January 16, 2014 : “Old front: Part of speech: substantiated adjective, feminine [...] Usage: raised [...] Meaning: ancestor, ancestor [...] Grammar: the ancestor; the / one old front (s), the old front (s) n / two old front ” . Ibid: Altvorderer: "Usage: raised [...] Meaning: ancestor, ancestor - examples: 1. Our ancestors called the August harvest moon 2. <in figurative meaning>: the President referred to the famous ancestor in his speech (Predecessor) [...] Origin: actually = old ones ”.