Amani Children's Village

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The Amani Kinderdorf eV association builds and operates villages for needy children in Tanzania and promotes their school and vocational training. There is an Amani children's village in Kilolo , near the town of Iringa . The second Amani Children's Village is also near Iringa, in the small village of Kitwiru. Amani is Swahili and translates as "peace".

Children of the children's village during a first communion celebration


The Amani Kinderdorf eV, founded in 2001, has set itself the task of building and running villages in Tanzania for children in need. There are many children across the country who require comprehensive care because their families are unable to provide for them. In 2001, the construction of the first houses in the children's village in Kilolo in the Iringa region in the southern highlands of Tanzania began. In 2009 the Amani Children's Village Kilolo consisted of six children's houses and was thus complete.

In 2010 construction began on the second children's village in Kitwiru. Six children's houses, a combined staff and guest house and a building with a training room have meanwhile been moved into and a meeting room has been completed. So this children's village is also complete.

Construction and supply

In addition to the children's houses, the Kilolo Children's Village consists of a vegetable garden and a small farm. Partial self-sufficiency should be guaranteed through the cultivation of maize, vegetables and fruit. Through further activities, such as the construction of a hydropower plant and a carpentry workshop, the children's village should be made at least partially independent of donations in the medium term. Vegetables, fruit and corn are also grown in the Kitwiru children's village.


Twelve to fifteen children, together with a housemother and a helper, each live in a house and form a family. They attend the local primary school and are supported with homework and remedial lessons in the children's village. They will continue to receive support even after completing primary school, so that they can attend a secondary school and receive vocational training. All activities in Tanzania are coordinated in close cooperation with the local population and the local authorities. The schools that the children in the children's villages attend are also supported by an education fund.

Voluntary service

Amani Kinderdorf eV currently operates seven volunteer positions in Tanzania , which are filled with German volunteers and run through the weltwärts program of the German federal government. Two volunteers work as carpenters in the children's village. A volunteer works as an assistant teacher at Kilolo Secondary School, supervises homework and gives remedial classes in the children's village. Two volunteers impart computer skills at the Ipogolo Secondary School in the immediate vicinity of the Kitwiru Children's Village, where they also provide support. Since August 2018, two volunteer positions have also been set up at the Cagliero Girls' Secondary School, which also focus on computer lessons.


The work of Amani Kinderdorf eV is financed by donations. Its board of directors works on a voluntary basis. The association regularly checks the expenditure on site several times a year.

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