Amazonia Kichwa

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Amazonia Kichwa or Spanish Quijos is a collective name for the kichwa- speaking ethnic groups in the Ecuadorian part of the Amazon , which emerged during the Spanish colonial period through the amalgamation of different ethnic groups that adopted Quechua as their language.

Today at least 250,000 speakers of the Kichwa live in the eastern lowlands of Ecuador.


  • Andrea M. Cuéllar: The Quijos Chiefdoms: Social Change and Agriculture in the Eastern Andes of Ecuador. University of Pittsburgh Latin American Archeology Publications, Pittsburgh 2009.
  • Attilio Angelo Aleotti: Quijos - salud y emergencia en el oriente ecuatoriano. Ministerio de Salud Pública, Italy. Ministero degli affari esteri & Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador, Quito 1990.