Amenhotep (treasurer)

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Amenhotep was an ancient Egyptian treasurer of the 13th Dynasty , who is best known for his tomb in Dahshur . The remains of his wooden coffin were found there, on which he is referred to as the “ royal sealer ”, “ only friend ” and “ treasurer ”. The coffin is decorated with long religious texts, most of which have so far had no parallels in the so-called coffin texts . There are also a few seals from Amenhotep that stylistically date to the 13th Dynasty.


  • Jacques Jean Marie de Morgan: Fouilles à Dahchour en 1894–1895. Vienna 1903, p. 70, fig. 113
  • KSB Ryholt: The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period. Copenhagen 1997, ISBN 87-7289-421-0 , p. 83