Amico di Sandro

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As Amico di Sandro ( German  friend of Sandro ) is one of the art historian Bernard Berenson first identified in 1899 artistic personality of the early Renaissance in Italy called.


The painter, who is not known by name, was given this emergency name in order to group a number of stylistically similar paintings and chests . They were created in a style that is close to that of Sandro Botticelli and shows similarities with the paintings of Domenico Ghirlandaio and Filippino Lippi . As a result of the critical discussion of the works, most of the works were then assigned directly to Lippi in the course of time; he had worked for Botticelli around 1472 and his early work was influenced by his style before he developed his own style.

Nevertheless, the emergency name created by Berenson remains of interest to art historians, as a new edition of Berenson's articles shows. The creation of the notation remains an example of how Berenson advanced the critical investigation of works that could not be assigned by name in the early days of art history.


  • Bernard Berenson : Amico di Sandro. In: Gazette des Beaux-Arts. 41, 1899, pp. 459-471 and 42, 1899, pp. 21-36.
  • Bernard Berenson: The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance: With an Index to Their Works . 3rd, revised and expanded edition. New York / London 1909.
  • Amico di Sandro . In: Enciclopedia Italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti. Volume 2, Rome 1929 ( digitized version ).
  • Carlo Gamba : Filippino Lippi e l'amico di Sandro. In: Rivista d'arte (ed.): Miscellanea di storia dell'arte in onore di Igino Benvenuto Supino. Olschki, Florenz 1933, pp. 461–479.
  • Patrizia Zambrano (ed.): Amico di Sandro . Milan 2006, ISBN 88-370-4289-2 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bernard Berenson: Amico di Sandro. In: Gazette des Beaux-Arts. 41, 1899, pp. 459-471 and 42, 1899, pp. 21-36.
  2. ^ Bernard Berenson: The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance . New York / London 1909, p. 100; Paul Schubring: Cassoni chests and chest pictures of the Italian early Renaissance. A contribution to profane painting in the Quattrocento . Leipzig 1915, p. 293f .; Charlotte Van Marle: The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting. Volume 19: General Index. The Hague 1938.
  3. Amico di Sandro . In: Enciclopedia Italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti. Volume 2, Rome 1929.
  4. ^ Carlo Gamba: Filippino Lippi e l'amico di Sandro. In: Rivista d'arte (ed.): Miscellanea di storia dell'arte in onore di Igino Benvenuto Supino. Olschki, Florenz 1933, pp. 461–479.
  5. Patrizia Zambrano (ed.): Amico di Sandro . Milan 2006.
  6. ^ Ernest Samuels: Bernard Berenson: The Making of a Connoisseur . Cambridge, Mass./London 1979, p. 64.