
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Order : Goose birds (Anseriformes)
Family : Duck birds (Anatidae)
Subfamily : Anatinae
Tribe : Swimming ducks (anatini)
Genre : Mareca
Type : Amsterdam
Scientific name
Mareca marecula
Olson & Jouventin , 1996

The Amsterdam ( Mareca marecula , Syn .: Anas marecula ) is an extinct duck bird , which is counted among the swimming ducks. According to current knowledge, it has been proven to occur on the island of Amsterdam in the Indian Ocean, southeast of Africa. However, the neighboring island of Saint Paul may also have been settled . There is evidence that the duck only became extinct in modern times.

Distribution area

Both the island of Amsterdam and Saint Paul have only one population of kerguelen ducks today , but they were released there.


The Amsterdam was scientifically described in 1996 on the basis of bone finds. The bones are believed to be a few hundred years old at most. Due to the bone findings, it is considered unable to fly. There is also the report of the explorer John Barrow from February 2, 1793, who describes a small brown duck for Saint Paul that is not much larger than a thrush. He describes them as the preferred food of five seal hunters who lived on this island. If the assumption is correct that it was about the Amsterdams, then the Amsterdams only became extinct in modern times. However, it is just as conceivable that the ducks observed on Saint Paul are a different species of duck, which has now also become extinct.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. Janet Kear (Ed.): Ducks, Geese and Swans . Oxford University Press, 2005, ISBN 0198546459 , p. 599 and p. 600
  2. Anas marecula in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . Posted by: Birdlife International, 2008. Retrieved February 12, 2009.
  3. Bourne, W., David, A., & Jouanin, C. (1983)
  4. Olson, S. & Jouventin, P. (1996)
  5. Errol Fuller: Extinct Birds. Oxford University Press 2000, ISBN 0-8160-1833-2 , p. 84


  • Bourne, WRP, ACF David, and C. Jouanin. 1983. Probablee Garnaney on St Paul and Amsterdam Islands, Indian Ocean. Wildfowl 34: 127-129
  • Anas marecula onthe IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . Posted by: Birdlife International, 2008. Retrieved February 12, 2009.
  • Olson, SL & Jouventin, P. 1996. A new species of small flightless duck from Amsterdam Island, southern Indian Ocean (Anatidae: Anas). Condor 98: 1-9. PDF full text