Office Langendreer

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The Langendreer office was formed in 1850 from the villages of Langendreer , Stockum , Düren , Somborn and Werne .

Full moon colliery in Langendreer


The office was never given great importance . While coal mines dominated the picture in Werne, Langendreer and Düren, the other villages were dominated by agriculture. Above all, the up-and-coming city of Bochum registered desires for the Langendreer office, with the main focus being on the up-and-coming communities of Langendreer and Werne and their mines. The Langendreer Office never got beyond the status of an alliance of convenience. When it was dissolved in the course of the municipal reform in 1929, the city of Bochum received Langendreer and Werne, Düren and Stockum came to Witten . All the villages mentioned were given the status of a district in each of the two cities. Somborn is a special case. Somborn was divided. One part went to Langendreer, without city or district status, the other part was awarded to Dortmund.


When the Stockum landowner Schulze-Vellinghausen became a bailiff in 1857, it was too difficult for him to have to cover the four kilometers to the administrative building in Langendreer every day. Without further ado, he moved the official seat to the Stockumer Gerdeshof. Only in 1900 did the office move back to Langendreer.


  • Herbert Dierkes: Langendreer 1850-1929. The office, the officials . a contribution to local history. Franken, Bochum 1994, ISBN 3-928341-00-6 .