Amyntas (Indo-Greek king)

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Amyntas' coin

Amyntas Nikator was an Indo-Greek king known only from his coins. He ruled in the first century BC. His coins were found in Afghanistan and eastern Punjab , so it is believed that this corresponds to his territory. His coins show his head with Greek inscriptions on the obverse, Zeus and inscriptions in Kharoshthi often appear on the reverse . He also minted the largest known silver coins of antiquity . The enthroned Zeus on his coins connects him to a group of Indo-Greek rulers with the same motif. It is believed that he reigned after Antialkidas , who also used the enthroned Zeus on his coinage and is considered to be one of the last important rulers of the Indo-Greeks.

See also


  • Abodh K. Narain: The Indo-Greeks. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1957, pp. 1957, pp. 102, 153-157.
  • William W. Tarn: The Greeks in Bactria and India. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1951, pp. 331, 334-335.