Amyntas II.

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Amyntas II , also Amyntas the Little, († 393 BC ), was the son of Philip and grandson of Alexander I and King of Macedonia (429–393).

After the murder of Alketas II and his son Alexander, Perdiccas II drove his older brother and the legitimate heir to the throne Philip out of Macedonia. Philip, Amyntas' father, fled to Sitalkes , king of Thrace . In the following years Philip took part in various expeditions against Perdiccas II. In 429 BC. BC Sitalkes gathered an army of 150,000 men and marched against Perdiccas to bring Amyntas to the Macedonian throne. But it remained with the conquest of the north-eastern part of Macedonia, which Amyntas ruled from now on. It wasn't until 393 BC. By murdering Pausanias he succeeded in gaining control over the entire empire. But in the same year Amyntas died at the hand of Derdas II of Elimiotis , and Amyntas III. ascended the throne of Macedonia.

Because of the spread of the name Amyntas at this time, there are often confusions among the ancient authors. Amyntas II is equated with Amyntas, the son of Archelaos I with a concubine, and with Amyntas III, son of Arrhidaios .



predecessor Office successor
Pausanias King of Macedon
393 BC Chr.
Amyntas III.