Anatoly Sokolov

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Anatoly Sokolov , Russian: Анатолий Алексеевич Соколов (* 1953 in Moscow Region , USSR) is a Russian-German painter and art teacher .


Sokolov first encountered art at the age of 7 through a family friend. After studying fine arts and pedagogy at the Moscow State Pedagogical VI Lenin Institute from 1976–1980, he worked as an art teacher and finally as director of a school of arts with three faculties (fine arts, music and choreography) near Moscow. His urge to be creative was encouraged by art residencies in 1987 and 1988 in the “Ilja Repin Academic Datscha” near St. Petersburg. The inspiring acquaintances with many of the masters of Russian painting who worked there shaped his painting style at the time. Art trips to Czechoslovakia and Poland followed.

During his stay in Prague from 1990 to 1993, Sokolov came into contact with Western artists, their ways of thinking and approaches. That was the hour of birth of his personal signature. There he met the German art connoisseur and gallery owner Dr. Karl-Joseph Brockmanns, who initiated Sokolov's first exhibitions in Germany and helped to relocate his creative field to Western Europe .

Creative period in Germany

In 1994 Sokolov settled in Bonn with his family . On his art tours through Western Europe (Italy, France, Switzerland and the Netherlands) Sokolov studied the old masters and contrasts them with contemporary art from the western world.

Driven by the vision to build a bridge between the western and eastern art systems, he founded his art school in 1997 in Bonn (Bad Godesberg). Among his graduates were budding artists, designers and architects who successfully continued their careers at German (art) universities. The lively interest of the citizens in Sokolov's art school showed the need for an exchange platform for those interested in art in the region. This was the starting signal for the establishment of the Bad Godesberg eV Art Association, which quickly attracted interested parties from the neighboring districts through Sokolov's pupil and the former mayor Klaus Vogel.

In recent years, the artist has devoted himself to painting and shares his knowledge in art seminars in his studio.

Exhibitions and memberships

The artist is a member of the Russian Association of Visual Artists (Russian: Творческий союз художников России) and has regularly participated in group and solo exhibitions since 1976. His works are in private collections in Germany, USA, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and Canada.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Академическая дача имени И.Е. Репина Website of the "Akademitschka" ( Memento from October 16, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) (English)
  2. ^ Kunstverein Bad Godesberg eV Website of the art association
  3. ^ Art seminars in the studio
  4. Творческий союз художников России Website of the Artists' Union (Russian)