András Maros

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András Maros [ ˈɒndraːʃ ˈmɒroʃ ] (* 1971 in Budapest ) is a Hungarian writer.

He quickly abandoned his plans to become a cosmonaut and violin virtuoso and finally studied commercial science in Budapest. He began to write in 1996. He wrote stories for the feature section. His first attempts at writing were published in the Hungarian literary magazines Sárkányfű , Alföld and Mozgó Világ , in the literary weekly newspaper Élet és Irodalom and in the magazine Jelenkor .

His first independent publication appeared in 2001 under the title Puff . His second book, “I want to hear names”, was published in 2003. Together with Károly Ujj Mészáros , he wrote the screenplay for the film “Gummimensch”, which won first prize in the 2003 Hungarian Film Week in the short film category. In 2003 Maros received the Dramatic Scholarship from the Radnóti Theater in Budapest, and in 2004 the Zsigmond Móricz Literature Scholarship.


  • Pouf (pouf [in the sense of "upholstered stool without legs"]). Short stories. Budapest: Palatinus 2001.
  • Neveket akarok hallani (I want to hear names). Short stories. Budapest: Palatinus 2003.