Andreas Chyliński

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Andreas Chyliński ( Andrzej Chyliński , * around 1590 in Poland, † after 1635 in Padua ) was a Polish composer.

The dates of birth and death of Chyliński are unknown. He was a member of the Franciscan order and around 1625 worked as music director in its religious house in Drohiczyn. In 1630 he traveled to Padua, where he worked as a priest and musician at the Basilica di Sant'Antonio . He was initially the bass player in the choir and became a choir director in 1632. Due to disagreements, he left Padua in 1635 and returned to Poland. As a single composition Chylińskis a collection of is canon , the canons XVI received, all of which are on the subject of Da pacem in diebus nostris based. They appeared in print in Amsterdam in 1634.
