Andreas Fleischmann

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Andreas Fleischmann (* 1980 in Landsberg am Lech ) is a German botanist. His main focus is on carnivorous plants , parasitic plants , mykoheterotrophic plants and palaeobotany. Its official botanical author's abbreviation is “ A.Fleischm. ".

As a child he began keeping carnivorous and parasitic plants and at a young age was concerned with the flora of southern Germany, the Alps and the Mediterranean.

In 2000, Fleischmann began studying biology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . In his diploma thesis he devoted himself to the systematics and biogeography of the marsh jugs ( Heliamphora ), in his doctoral thesis in 2012 to the carnivorous mint family , especially the trap traps ( Genlisea ). For his dissertation, Fleischmann received a scholarship under the Bavarian Elite Promotion Act (BayEFG) .

During this time he already undertook botanical expeditions to Brazil, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Thailand, Venezuela, Australia and Zambia, published over a dozen research papers and numerous initial descriptions of new taxa. He worked as a scientific advisor, editor or co-author for some monographs on the topic of carnivorous plants, and his first monographic publication, the Monograph of the genus Genlisea , appeared in 2012.

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  1. a b Author entry and list of the plant names described for Andreas Fleischmann at the IPNI
  2. a b c d Andreas Fleischmann: Monograph of the genus Genlisea. 2012, p. 725.
  3. a b Official homepage