Angélique (novel series)

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Angélique (1956)

Angélique is a series of historical novels by the French writer Anne Golon . Her husband is named as co-author in the French version under the pseudonym Serge Golon .

The first novel is set in France at the time of King Louis XIV and describes the life of the fictional Angelique, the beautiful and lively daughter of an impoverished nobleman . She lives in the country and grows up in a large family. On the advice of one of her father's advisors, she was married to an unknown nobleman, Joffrey de Peyrac, whom she got to know and love over the next few years. Due to the most varied of events, their ways separate again and again. Angelique has - against the historical background of the French "heyday" - exciting adventures and meets people of all classes and professions. Ups and downs, but above all an irrepressible will to live shape the stories.

There are a total of thirteen consecutive novels in the French original that describe the period from Angelique's youth to the age of approximately 45 years. Although it can be assigned to trivial literature in form and style , the series of novels vividly conveys life at the king's court, the dependence of the nobles on the king and his whims, but also the general historical context. Old Paris, pirates and slave traders in the Mediterranean and the clashes of Christian denominations with one another and with other religions are further themes of the novels. From the end of the volume Angélique and her love (depending on the counting method, volume 5 or 6), the scenes shift to North America, above all to the French-populated Acadia and the early cities on the St. Lawrence River .

Since the German-language first edition in 1956 (the first edition in France did not take place until 1957), the novels have been published in 45 countries by 320 publishers with a total circulation of around 150 million copies. In 2008 Anne Golon, now over 80 years old, got the rights to her story back after a legal battle that had lasted for decades. She revised them and was in the process of writing one last volume until her death. This and all previously published will be translated into the German language for the first time in full.

After seven volumes had already appeared in the series, the French film discovered the adventures of the young Angélique. In 1964, the first novel was made into a French-German-Italian coproduction under the title Angélique, marquise des Anges (German title: Angélique ). By 1968, four other parts were filmed, each with Michèle Mercier in the lead role (see Angélique (film series) ).


  • La Marquise des Anges (1957)
    • Translated by Günther Vulpius : Angélique. Blanvalet, Berlin 1956 (contains the first two parts of the later French edition, La Marquise des Anges and Angélique, le Chemin de Versailles ).
  • Angélique: Le Chemin de Versailles (1958)
  • Angélique et le Roy (1959)
    • Übers. Günther Vulpius: Angélique and the King. Blanvalet, Berlin 1959.
  • Indomptable Angélique (1960)
    • Translated by Günther Vulpius: Indomitable Angélique. Blanvalet, Berlin 1961.
  • Angélique se révolte (1961)
  • Angélique et son amour (1961)
    • Übers. Hans Nicklisch: Angélique and your love. Blanvalet, Berlin 1963
  • Angélique et le Nouveau Monde (1964)
  • La Tentation d'Angélique (1966)
    • Translated by Hans Nicklisch: Angélique and the temptation. Blanvalet, Berlin 1969
  • Angélique et la Demone (1972)
    • Translated by Hans Nicklisch: Angélique and the demoness. Blanvalet, Berlin 1972 ISBN 3-7645-2658-0
  • Angélique et le Complot des Ombres (1976)
    • Übers. Ulrike von Sobbe, Petra Vogt: Angélique and the conspiracy. Blanvalet, Berlin 1976
  • Angélique à Québec (1980, also as Le grand défi d'Angélique )
    • Übers. Widulind Clerc-Erle: Angélique the winner. Blanvalet, Berlin 1980 ISBN 3-7645-0270-3
  • Angélique: La Route de l'espoir (1984)
    • Translated by Ulrike von Sobbe: Angélique and hope. Blanvalet, Berlin 1984 ISBN 3-7645-1053-6
  • La Victoire d'Angélique (1985)
    • Übers. Annette Lallemand, Ulrike von Sobbe: Angélique triumphs. Blanvalet, Berlin 1986 ISBN 3-7645-0352-1
Revised version
  • Angélique. Marquise des Anges (2009)
  • Angélique. Mariage Toulousain (also as La fiancée vendue , 2009)
  • Angélique. Fêtes royales (2009)
  • Angélique. Le Supplicie de Notre-Dame (2009)
    • Translated by Natalie Lemmens: Angélique. The prisoner of Notre Dame. Blanvalet, 2009 ISBN 978-3-7645-0293-5
  • Angélique. Ombres et lumières dans Paris (2010)
  • Angélique. Le Chemin de Versailles (2010)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Blanvalet publishing house: History and foundation