Attack on the Hotel Mona (Mogadishu)

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At least 32 people were killed in the attack on the Mona Hotel in Mogadishu on August 24, 2010, including six MPs, four government officials and Deputy Prime Minister Abdirahman Hajji Adab Ibbi . The attackers were members of the al-Shabaab militia . They also confessed to the attack.


The attack was embedded in an offensive by the al-Shabaab militias , which had started the day before, on Monday noon on August 23, in the north, south and west of Mogadishu. The offensive is directed, among other things, against the troops of the African Union, AMISOM .


Three heavily armed men disguised as government officials stormed the hotel and shot everyone present. According to other sources, a suicide bomber is said to have blown himself up next to the reception. Then two of the attackers fled to the roof, where they killed themselves with their explosive belts. The third could be arrested.


The Somali Minister of Information, Abdirahman Omar Osman, condemned the act. Parliamentary speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden suspected an attempt to block the rebels. The African Union condemned the attack.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c TAZ: Dozens of dead in suicide attack
  2. ^ A b c Frankfurter Rundschau: Massacre in a Somali hotel
  3. a b FAZ: Many dead in heavy fighting in Somalia